Burn Mechanism


$CDNL is engineered with distinct deflationary characteristics. Our plan is to burn 97.9% of the total tokens in circulation. Notably, the speed at which tokens are burned directly correlates with user net win: the higher the user's earnings, the faster the burn. This innovative approach encourages the use of the token and exerts deflationary pressure on its supply. Over time, the scarcity of $CDNL will undoubtedly grow.

When burned?

When a player makes a withdrawal, the burning mechanism is activated.

How to burn?

When a player makes a withdrawal and obtains a Net Win, 7% of that Net Win is directly deducted and burned. Simultaneously, the prize pool will also deduct an amount equivalent to 7% of the player's Net Win for burning. This means that a total of 14% of the player's Net Win in tokens will be incinerated.

  • 7% is taken from the prize pool and is directly burned.

  • 7% is deducted from the player's winnings and is directly burned.

  • The amount to be burned is calculated as 14% of the player's winning profit.

Last updated