1.What is DTO?

DTO, standing for Dynamic Token Offering, is an innovative token sale model uniquely created by the 0xCardianl platform in the cryptocurrency field. Breaking away from the traditional Initial DEX Offering (IDO) framework, DTO does not set a specific deadline for token sales and is not limited to being completed before the project's mainnet launch. Similar to traditional IDOs, the total number of tokens available for sale in the DTO model is fixed, ensuring stability and predictability.

2. What is 0xCardinal DTO?

0xCardinal DTO represents a practical application of the DTO model, adopting the innovative approach of "Token subscription instantly creates a betting pool" Specifically, the tokens purchased by users are directly transferred into the betting pool they create. During this process, the users who subscribe to the tokens become the managers of the betting pool, referred to as "pool owners." In 0xCardinal DTO, 88% of the funds raised are directly channeled into the trading pool. Importantly, the project team relinquishes control of the trading pool before the launch of DTO. This means that besides normal trading activities, no one can withdraw USDT or project tokens from the pool in any way.

3. Why should you own a Betting Pool?

Effective Risk Management

  • Fairness and Randomness: In the 0xCardinal project, the betting relationship between users and pool owners is supported by quantum random number technology, ensuring fairness, randomness, and decentralization of each bet.

  • Probability Balance: As the frequency of betting increases, the win-loss ratio of the entire pool tends to balance out to one-to-one, i.e., the total amount of the pool approaches the pool's initial amount.

  • Limit Control: A maximum betting limit is set (maximum bet = pool balance / 10 / bet multiplier), effectively preventing the risk of the pool being depleted by large wins.

Substantial Fee Revenue

  • Steady Income: Pool owners receive 4% of the user withdrawal amount as a fee, providing an additional source of income.

  • Instant Transfer: The fee is instantly transferred to the pool owner's wallet and is available for trading or cashing out at any time.

  • Growth Potential: As the number of users participating in betting increases, so does the fee revenue.

Unique Deflation Mechanism

  • Bet and Burn: When users place bets, 2% of the bet amount is directly burned (deducted from the official pool).

  • Trade and Burn: In addition to betting, 2% of the amount of other types of transactions is burned (deducted from the user's transaction amount).

  • Withdraw and Burn: Each time a user withdraws, an amount equal to the withdrawal fee is burned (deducted from the official pool).

  • Burning Target: When the amount of tokens burned across the network reaches 97.9% of the total issuance, we will stop further token burning. This strategy aims to ensure market stability and long-term value of the tokens.

4.Who is suited to be a pool owner?

Community group leaders, community ambassadors, and influencers on platforms such as YouTube and Twitter are particularly well-suited to be pool owners due to their extensive user networks and significant influence. They can effectively attract participants and maintain an active and profitable betting environment, injecting more vitality and profit potential into the betting pool.

5.Can I create multiple Betting Pools?

Yes, you can create multiple independently operating betting pools, each managed and operated separately.

6. Will my Betting Pool conflict with the official pool or other pools?

The official pool and regular pools are differently positioned and do not conflict.

  • Multiple Functions of the Official Pool: The official pool is not only used for betting but also undertakes the function of token burning. All betting and withdrawal burns in the pools are executed from the official pool. Therefore, the initial amount of the official pool is quite large.

  • Different Opening Times: The official pool will open for betting 90 days after the mainnet launch, providing ample growth space for regular pools.

  • Irrevocability of the Official Pool: Unlike regular betting pools, the official pool cannot be revoked. This means that no one can withdraw funds from the official pool in phases, as with regular pools. This characteristic of the official pool ensures its long-term stability and continuous operation until the tokens are completely burned.

  • First Bet Discount Policy: The first bet placed by a user in any pool automatically entitles them to a withdrawal fee discount for that pool, funded by the platform without affecting the original fee revenue of the pool owner.

  • User Loyalty and Choice: Typically, users tend to place their first bet in the pool they are invited to, to enjoy the discount on withdrawal fees. This preference reduces the likelihood of them choosing to bet in other pools, thus ensuring harmonious coexistence

7. How do I, as a pool owner, obtain withdrawal fees?

When users make a withdrawal, the pool owner's wallet will directly receive 4% of the withdrawal amount as a fee. There is no need for manual retrieval of these earnings.

8. Can I withdraw CDNL from the Betting Pool?

Yes, you can withdraw CDNL from your betting pool. However, to prevent market instability due to large withdrawals, we have set the following withdrawal restrictions:

  • Withdrawal Time Limit: You can start withdrawing funds from the pool 90 days after its creation. It is important to note that this refers to the betting funds, not the fees. The fees are instantly transferred to your wallet.

  • Withdrawal Frequency and Limits: You can withdraw funds once every 15 days, and each withdrawal is limited to a maximum of 10% of the pool's initial amount.

  • Withdrawal in Case of Insufficient Funds: If the balance of the pool falls below 30% of the initial amount, you can withdraw the remaining balance in one go.

Last updated